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About us


AI and the Arts

Mathema has a unique treasure of knowledge accumulated in more than 35 years of constant innovation.

MathemArt is the division of Mathema – an innovative company based in Florence, Italy, –  aimed at pursuing an original path of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Fine Arts, inspired by the Florentine Renaissance tradition to empower all human creative activities.
The MathemArt manifesto is so synthesized:
  • Art is communication conceived by humans for humans;
  • Art is the representation of an idea, an internal state of the mind and the soul or a feeling;
  • Art is a craftwork at the crossroads of brushes, photoshop and AI.

Art is a creative expression of the human imagination, used to communicate ideas, emotions and aesthetic concepts.


Art is magic freed from the lie of being true.

Theodor Adorno

Art is never finished, only abandoned.

Leonardo da Vinci